Dried Roses Bouquet
Dried Roses Bouquet

Dried Roses Bouquet


This dazzling display features twelve everlasting roses that have been dried and painted in-house, and are paired with dried foliage. Before we dried the roses, we inverted each petal by hand, which gives them their gorgeous, unique shape. The mauve, dusky pink roses and the lightly-painted lilac foliage makes these bouquets completely exclusive – your lucky recipient has never seen dried arrangements like these before!

We can either gift wrap your bouquet beautifully or have yours designed into a vase for a paperless, fuss-free alternative.

Want something customised? Contact us

How to care for your everlasting arrangement

Place it in a dry environment (bathrooms are not ideal) and keep out of direct sunlight. Leaves dropping off over time is normal, but this can be prevented if the arrangement is away from windows or drafts, and isn’t touched and moved around too much.

Your Florist

Alyssa Bennett

I’m madly in love with flowers and my job, and I’m so excited for you to discover a fresh spin on floral design.


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