


PLEASE NOTE: Only mixed roses left!

Roses never go out of style. Go old school with the classic style, or spice it up with our absolute favourite inverted® roses, where each petal is individually inverted by hand to create the most unique, breathtaking bloom you’ll ever lay your eyes on. All of our roses are designed with just a touch of foliage.

Your Florist

Alyssa Bennett

I’m madly in love with flowers and my job, and I’m so excited for you to discover a fresh spin on floral design.

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Roses Auckland Delivery

$14.50 delivery for Central Auckland and inner-city suburbs. Additional costs for other Auckland suburbs apply. Rates are calculated at checkout.

All About Roses: Symbolism and Care Tips from Avant Garden

Roses have long held a special place in history, symbolising love, beauty, and affection. These timeless blooms have a rich history, making them a popular choice for various occasions. At Avant Garden, we’re passionate about crafting chic rose bouquets for our roses Auckland delivery service, celebrating these classically gorgeous flowers. Here are some common FAQs, such as why roses are so symbolic and how to care for them to keep them fresh and vibrant.

Our Roses Auckland delivery services are the perfect way to send beautiful, fresh roses to your loved ones for any occasion. Our Roses Auckland delivery ensures your bouquet always arrives on time and in pristine fresh condition.

What do roses symbolise?

Traditionally, red roses symbolise love, making them the classic choice for expressing romantic feelings. Pink roses represent gratitude and admiration, yellow is for friendship, and white roses symbolise purity and innocence. Every colour holds its own traditional meaning, yet our advice to customers always centres on selecting the colour that resonates most with the recipient. If their personal preference leans towards pink, we believe a considerate choice holds a deeper significance for that person.

When should I buy roses?

The beauty of roses is that they're perfect for any occasion, whether it's a romantic date, a birthday celebration, or simply to brighten someone's day. From anniversaries to graduations, there's never a wrong time to give a bouquet of roses. At Avant Garden, we offer a stunning selection of rose bouquets crafted with care, ensuring that every occasion is celebrated in style. For our Roses Auckland delivery service, make sure you order at least one day in advance.

What do different colours of roses mean?

The colour of a rose can convey a specific message, so it's essential to choose wisely:

Red: Love, passion, romance
Pink: Gratitude, admiration, appreciation
White: Purity, innocence, new beginnings
Yellow: Friendship, joy, happiness
Orange: Enthusiasm, energy, excitement

Each colour holds its own traditional symbolism, but our recommendation is always to pick the colour that best suits the recipient. If red happens to be their favourite colour, we believe that choosing it has a more meaningful significance. We also recommend giving a mixed arrangement of various roses to enjoy the best of both worlds!

How much do roses cost?

The cost of roses can vary depending on factors such as the quality, quantity, and arrangement. At Avant Garden, we offer a range of options to suit every budget, from simple yet elegant bouquets to lavish displays. Our goal is to make luxury accessible without breaking the bank.

How do you keep a bouquet of roses fresh?

Caring for your roses is essential to ensure they stay fresh for as long as possible. Here are some simple tips to help you:

Trim the stems: Cut the stems at an angle, at least 5CM if possible, and remove any leaves that will be submerged in water.

Use clean water: Fill a vase with fresh, clean water and change it every other day to prevent bacteria from forming.

Keep them cool: Place your roses in a cool, shaded spot away from direct sunlight and drafts.

Not sure what to choose?

Medium Handheld Bouquet is our most popular choice.
